Valeria Valdez

Valeria is an Industrial Designer with studies in Electronics. She is a Master’s degree candidate in Product Design  & Development at UAM Azcapotzalco. She has been coordinator & facilitator of Global Goals Jam Mexico City since 2017 to 2021 and of Disur Jam for the Congress “Diseños del Sur” for Latin America. Her projects seek to integrate design, technology and gender to address complex problems in society. She has been exhibiting her work in Museo Franz Mayer, El Rule, Pandeo, University of Illinois and Seattle Design Festival.
She participated in the International Project ” Design, Gender and Education for all” between Uruguay and Mexico ( UTU-UAM).
First generation of the “Costurero Electrónico”  2020-2021.
In 2019 she received the prize “Premio Nacional de Diseño: Diseña MX” for Mobile devices. Nowadays she is an intern of LeNS Network in UAM Cuajimalpa and a member of the Young Designers Circle 2022-2023 from the World Design Organization.