Meredith D. Clark

2023-2024 Visiting Scholar

Meredith D. Clark, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) is an associate professor in the School of Journalism and the Department of Communication Studies, and director of the Center for Communication, Media Innovation and Social Change at Northeastern University.

Her research focuses on the intersections of race, media, and power. Her first book, We Tried to Tell Y’all: Black Twitter and the Rise of Digital Counter-Narratives, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. Her research has been published in Communication and the Public; Communication, Culture & Critique; Electronic News; Journalism & Mass Communication Educator; Journal of Social Media in Society; New Media & Society; and Social Movement Studies.

Clark is serving a four-year board leadership in the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication (AEJMC), and is an advisory board member of the Center for Critical Race + Digital Studies at NYU. She’s committed to the Lordeian practice of self-preservation as political warfare, and actively practices what Robin D.G. Kelley calls “radical imagination” – the view of seeing the world not as it is, but as it could be.

Southern by the grace of God, Meredith now makes her home in JP with her husband, Willie, and their dog, Foster.

Twitter: @MeredithDClark